Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Welcome to Local Oven!

Local Oven makes gluten-free baked goods that taste as good,  if not better, than traditional bread products. Our recipes focus on  excellent texture and rich flavors. Leading a gluten-free life need not  be bland or boring. Those who must live with Gluten Intolerance or  Celiac Disease know that sometimes their options are slim, but Local  Oven is a return to variety and choice!

From our Cherry Pecan Biscotti to our Mixed Olive Baguette, we're  bringing rustic, bold flavors to those with special dietary needs.  Whether you're looking for tasty breads to accompany a meal or miss  biting into a big, juicy burger, Local Oven is devoted to finally giving the gluten-free community what it wants: artisan baked goods with  exciting flavors.
Our products are perfect for those who need them and those who don't. If you've had to live without due to dietary restrictions or just want  to live a healthy lifestyle, try Local Oven. There's no gluten... and no one knows.
A Message from Linda Fitzerman, Founder of Local Oven
Several years ago, after a lengthy diagnosis period, I discovered that I suffer from gluten intolerance. I stopped consuming food containing gluten,  and my body quickly thanked me. I felt better, more energetic; and I no  longer experienced abdominal pains that I had so closely associated with the simple act of eating.
Despite my improved gastrointestinal health, I found myself  missing and craving foods I've enjoyed my whole life. Simple things like hot dogs and pita bread were no longer an option. I tried nearly every  gluten-free product on the market, and often I was left disappointed. My options ranged from dull to uninspired... so I put on my apron.
I've been experimenting in the kitchen ever since, and I'm proud to offer the breads I like to eat. This is what I enjoy. And to those  on gluten-free diets, I think you'll enjoy, as well! In baking, I've  found passion; and in the people I help, I've found compassion. This is  about more than bread or gluten. It's about living. I hope you try my  food and love it! Thanks for your support.

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